
Lilith: The Ever-Present Legend Throughout the Ages

هناك شيطانة أنثى مجهولة تظهر دائمًا في رحلته، وكما كان هو إله الشمس، كانت هي إلهة القمر. يُرمز إليها دائمًا بالهلال، وسنتعرف معًا على مدى تأثير هذه الشيطانة أو إلهة القمر على جميع الأديان. لنستكشف الجذور التاريخية لهذه الشخصية. عند العودة إلى القصص الشعبية والأساطير في مختلف الثقافات والدول، نجد

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human reptile theory

Written by: Samih Nasser In 1998, in a book titled “The Greatest Secret” by the writer and former athlete David Icke, this book caused a huge uproar upon its release, to the point that the British government went so far as to take action against it. The British government confiscated all existing copies of the book a month after its release and banned its circulation. The reaction was

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Guardian of the Underworld

Baphomet is a famous demon, considered the guardian of the gates of the underworld and the son of Satan. He first appeared in the Crusades, and was then associated with the Knights Templar. He was known for his secret worship through complex rituals, and communicated with his followers. Baphomet controlled the minds of people and founded a secret cult that still has an impact today.

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The lost continent of Atlantis

Atlantis is one of the most famous myths throughout history and one of the biggest mysteries. A large number of researchers, historians and scientists have spent their entire lives trying to reach it or even trying to reach evidence of its existence. Throughout history, the idea that is formed about Atlantis changes from generation to generation, and many people

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Legend of Bahamut: A Huge Monster That Holds Up the Earth

Bahamut is a huge mythical creature that is present in different cultures, especially in Arab mythology. It is described as strong and huge, and is believed to hold the earth or represent the source of water. Its legend is an important part of cultural heritage, and has been influenced by many different cultures over time.

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